BARROCK – Václavské náměstí
3 floor rock business with restaurant
Complex gastroequipment: 4 bars and main and additional kitchen with accesory including cold rooms and background.
PRESTO – Prague part Chodov
Complete gastrodevice of canteen with capacity 1500 foods in IBM headquarter
Rekonstruction and finishing of building hockey complex VIENNA CAPITALS – investment costs 1,3 mil. €
Albert Schultz Halle, Wien Eissportzentrum
central kitchen, restaurant kitchen, 9 buffets, VIP zone, Media zone, supply of central cooling with remote administration
private – public project of city Wien and Austria investor SKY BOX Gastronombetriebes GmbH
SKY BAR – shop house STEFFL, Kärntner Strasse 19, Wiena considerable coctail bar in the heart of Wienna.
Complete equipment of bars and background including central cooling
Austria investor SKY BOX Gastronombetriebes GmbH
SKY BOX – shop house STEFFL, Kärntner Strasse 19, Wienna
supply and installation of central cooling for 16 delivery points including supplying with cold and freezer rooms.
Austria investor SKY BOX Gastronombetriebes GmbH
Restaurant PRIMI – Neuermarkt 10-13, Viedeň – 4 floor restaurant in the heart of Wienna
Complete equipment main and additional kitchen, bars and background
Slovak investor MEDUSA GROUP AT
Restaurant MEDUSA – Neuermarkt 8, Viedeň – 3 floor restaurant in the heart of Wienna
kitchen devices reconstruction
Slovak investor MEDUSA GROUP AT